1. Introduction
1. Introduction:Glacier Lake and its Outburst Flood in the Nepal Himalaya By Tomomi Yamada 1998


Data Center for Glacier Research Monograph No.1

Glacier Lake and its Outburst Flood in the Nepal Himalaya (127 MB )By Tomomi Yamada 1998

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………p. 1

2. Development of Water Resources in Nepal ………………………………………p. 3

3. General Description of a Glacier Lake ……………………………………………p. 6

4. GLOF in the Nepal Himalaya…………………………………………………………p.11

5. Distribution of Glacier Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya …………………………p.19

6. Potentially Dangerous Glacier Lakes Evaluated in the Nepal Himalaya ……p.34

7. Results of the Investigation of Tsho Rolpa ……………………………………p.43

8. Possible Countermeasures against GLOF Disaster………………………………p.89

9. Recommendations……………………………………………………………………p.92
